GeoTagger logo GeoTagger - Display and modify GPS location data in photos
GeoTagger on facebook

© 2022 KLS

GIT archive

The source code of GeoTagger is hosted at

Use the command

git clone --branch stable/1.0 git://

to clone the archive and check out the latest stable version.

TAR archive

The source code for the latest version of GeoTagger can be downloaded as a TAR archive from;a=snapshot;h=refs/tags/1.0.3;sf=tbz2

Debian packages

Binary and source packages for Debian Bullseye can be downloaded from

Binary executable for Linux

A binary executable of GeoTagger for Linux (x86, 64-bit) can be downloaded from


This has been statically linked on openSUSE 15.3 and has been found to run on Ubuntu 20.04. It may or may not run on your particular system. If it doesn't, just download the source code and follow the instructions in the README file under REQUIREMENTS and BUILD.

Binary executable for macOS

A binary executable of GeoTagger for macOS (x86, 64-bit) can be downloaded from


It also runs on Macs with Apple silicon CPU (requires Rosetta).
You will need to right click on the app icon and select "Open" from the menu in order to start it for the first time, because it is not "signed". If you don't trust this app, just download the source code and follow the instructions in the README file under REQUIREMENTS and BUILD to build it yourself.

GeoTagger icon made by Nikita Golubev from