Total number of registrations: | 2266 |
Deleted registrations: | 315 |
Currently registered users: | 1951 |
Outdated registrations: | 1131 (counter entry not accessed in the past year) |
Unreachable users: | 519 (email address no longer valid) |
Verified users: | 820 (accessed their counter entry in the past year) |
Total number of VDRs: | 2895 (1485 still considered active) |
Users with 1 VDR: | 467 |
Users with 2 VDRs: | 175 |
Users with 3 VDRs: | 100 |
Users with 4 VDRs: | 52 |
Users with 5 VDRs: | 13 |
Users with 6 VDRs: | 7 |
Users with 7 VDRs: | 2 |
Users with 8 VDRs: | 1 |
Users with 10 VDRs: | 2 |
Users with 11 VDRs: | 1 |